Unlimited Levels/Depts
Sponsor Bonus, Pairing Bonus, Matching Bonus
MLM 3*3 / MLM 5*5
Contact Us for your mlm marketing plan
Uwon MLM Software with mobile friendly
Member login with password encrypted and double protection from front end and back end. Two layers password, one with user login and one with transaction password
No matter how complicated your bonuses calculation, our mlm system able to auto calculate for your mlm business
Few mlm web design templates for choosing. Customize mlm system design service provided
MLM backend system allow admin to insert unlimited products.
Insert unlimited users/staffs based on each security groups
Support unlimited mlm members
Email or SMS notification while member sign up and daily bonuses given
Bonuses set up by product level or merchant overall level
Support third party payment gateway, which include credit/debit card or directly link with fpx
MLM member can trace their transactions thru wallet. Member able to top up their wallet and auto withdraw from their wallet.
MLM member can become stockist. Uwon mlm system provides product inventory for each stockist